10 Surprising(ly irrelevant) facts!

                               by Phil'97

1.  Invisible Infra-Red LEDs such as those in TV remote controls,
    show up (white) through camcorders.

2.  In all the Sherlock Holmes stories, Holmes never says "Elementary,
    my dear Watson" (A deerstalker cap is never mentioned either).

3.  In the time it takes to access the data in an EDO simm, light
    travels 19 metres.

4.  Shaking a can of pop does not increase the pressure inside! It just
    creates more bubbles that rapidly expand once the can is opened.

5.  In an electrical circuit, electrons do not travel at the speed of
    light, they creep along at a few centimeters per minute! It is the
    transfer of energy that moves near light speed.

6.  Einstein theorized that gravity bends light rays. This can actually
    be seen during an eclipse when the stars "near" the sun appear in
    the wrong places relative to their neighbours.
7.  In Star Trek Captain Kirk never said "Beam me up Scotty".   

8.  Lightning travels upwards! An invisible charge moves from the sky
    to the ground, where it meets with a charged filament reaching up
    a few metres. The discharge (and light) travels from that point

9.  The transistor was the culmination of 25 (count em!) years of
    research aimed at replacing bulky and fragile valves..

10. If you draw 2 circles, one with a radius 1cm bigger than the other
    the difference in the circumferences is 6.2 cm. The difference is
    always 6.2 cm if the circles are size of a tennis ball or the
